Which “Maker Persona” are You? Take Autodesk’s Quiz

In our Weekly Maker’s Roundup, we post videos from a cross-section of folks whom we hope will appeal to the Core77 audience. What they all have in common is that they create physical objects and record the act, but beyond that they have wildly different styles, skillsets and personalities. In fact we’d be hard-pressed to place makers of any sort into highly specific categories.

That hasn’t stopped Autodesk from trying, however. In an effort to “[investigate] the personas that form the maker and designer community, to see if they fall into specific categories, and how these differ in each culture,” the company worked with a Professor of Psychology from City University London to pigeonhole makers into five personas:


They then came up with a questionnaire designed to reveal which of these categories any given maker falls into, and surveyed over 4,000 people in six countries:


Curious to see which category you fall into? The online questionnaire is here.
