Chimes, Clicks and Whirs from the Past: The Online Museum of Endangered Sounds

The chatter of a rewinding VCR cassette, an AOL Instant Messenger notification, a skipping CD, Pac-Man, Space Invaders. Some of these are sounds you’ve not heard in years or decades, and may never again—except that Brendan Chilcutt has preserved them in his online Museum of Endangered Sounds. Click the link to select from an array of earworms.

Sadly Chilcutt, who first activated the site in 2012, doesn’t appear to be updating it anymore. If he were, I’d suggest adding:

- Busy signal
- Landline phone left off of the hook for too long
- Walkman eject
- Closing a Motorola Star-Tac
- Shutting the door of a 1977 Ford Country Squire station wagon

Any others you’d like to hear?
