Tinder Wicks: A Reusable Alternative to Disposable Matches or Candle Lighters

There are situations where you want to hold a small, controlled flame a few inches away from your fingers; think of lighting a pilot, candles or a camping stove. This can be accomplished with long kitchen matches or a candle lighter.

Campers may prefer a more rugged and weatherproof solution, like a tinder wick. The example we’ll use here is this Tindår Wick from Überleben, an Idaho-based camping supply company. It consists of a paraffin-infused hemp wick that slides into an aluminum tube, and comes with an aluminum carrying case.


To use it, you pull a little of the wick out of the end you intend to light, fluff it, then spark it with a ferro rod or whatever you’ve got.

Once it catches, it’s easy to pick up the other end and maneuver the flame to wherever you’d like it.

To snuff it, you simply retract the wick back into the tube.

As a bonus, you can pull the wick out and blow through the tube to use it as a bellows.

The company says that their 13" wicks have a one-hour cumulative burn time, or about what full-size Bic lighter would give you.


The Tindår Wick runs $12, and wick refills run $16 for a 3-pack.



