ID Firm Designs Molded, Edible Low-Carb Bun Substitute

On a group roadtrip, the industrial designers over at FuseID observed what someone with a gluten allergy goes through. At a drive-thru, “the gluten free friend (GFF) had ordered a vegan burger with a lettuce wrap to avoid the bun,” they write. “What a mess! There were condiments all over her hands and subsequently, my car!”

Back in the studio, they started brainstorming design solutions, taking inspiration from an edible item that comes out of a mold: The ice cream cone. “The big idea was to make a small edible piece of luggage, kidding, not luggage but a bread or tortilla replacement that could be gluten free if needed, and lower carb,” they write. “This is good for celiacs, diabetics and everyone that wants to lower their ingestion of high-glycemic-index carbohydrates.”

Here’s what they came up with:

“The big idea is an edible, low carbohydrate, and potentially gluten free bread replacement. The NED container can be easily flavored and colored (only with natural edible pigments, of course). Made like the industrialized "cake” ice cream cone. The product is baked in cast iron tooling and is almost more air than flour and water.“








FuseID reports that they’ve approached ice cream cone manufacturer Joy Cone with the concept, though there’s no word on whether these will see production.
