A Minimal Exoskeleton for Helping Workers Carry Heavy Loads

Japanese company Atoun is dedicated to assisting human mobility with robot technology. Their Model Y, which has nothing to do with Tesla, is a partial exoskeleton whose shape tells you where the name came from:

The unit does not supply any power to the wearer’s arms. Instead it bears the load that would normally be borne by the lower back in bending and lifting, and provides extra power to straighten to a standing position once the load is acquired.

Sensors can tell when the wearer starts to walk, at which point the motors shut off.

When the wearer is lowering a load, the suit goes into “Brake Mode,” lowering the wearer’s rate of descent, or helping the wearer hold the bent-over position for longer tasks (e.g. agricultural work).

The Model Y is made of carbon fiber, weighing just 4.5kg (about 10 pounds). It’s waterproof and dustproof, and can be worn by construction workers in challenging conditions.

Here’s what it looks like in action:

The company’s website does not list a price, nor mention if they distribute internationally.
