Winners of Close-up Photographer of the Year (17 photos)

The second year of the Close-up Photographer of the Year competition has just come to a close, and the winners have been announced. The contest “celebrates close-up, macro, and micro photography,” among seven separate categories. More than 6,500 entries were received from 52 countries this year. Organizers have been kind enough to share some of the winners and finalists with us below.

Little Ball. Young Close-Up Photographer of the Year Tamás Koncz-Bisztricz placed first in the Young category for this image of a yellow globular springtail near his hometown of Csongrád-Bokros, Hungary. “One frosty winter’s morning I headed out to take some extreme macro shots at the surface of some frozen water that had pooled in tracks left by a tractor. Crouching down, I spotted some yellow globular springtails (Sminthurus maculatus) which feed in the sunrays reflected from the ice. I used LED flashlights to illuminate one of them, and came away with this picture.” (© Copyright Tamás Koncz-Bisztricz / cupoty.com)