Verity: Metal Alternatives to Plastic Packaging

I can’t be the only person who’s hung on to a nice metal package like this. This was gifted to me years ago, has long since been drained of its contents, and now lives in my shop as a storage object.


I like plastic for some things, but metal containers always seem more valuable, both to me and to society. Metal is recycled often, although the rates admittedly vary according to what the product was. The Aluminum Association, a lobbying group, reports that “More than 90 percent of the aluminum in building and automotive parts is recycled at the end of use,” whereas the EPA reports that aluminum containers and packaging came in at just 32.8%.

That’s still way better than the dismal 8.4% of plastic that was recycled in 2017, as reported by the EPA. As a result, “Nearly 75 percent of all aluminum produced in the U.S. is still in use today,” according to the Aluminum Assocation. Steel also does well: The Steel Recycling Institute cites an overall recycling rate of 86% (though their stats are from 2014).


Verity, a California-based packaging supplier, has taken a hard look at the statistics and come to a decision: Metal’s the way to go. Now they’re on a mission to convince manufacturers of personal care items, those plastic bottles and jars that clog our supermarket shelves, that their metal packaging is a better alternative.

“The long term vision for Verity is to make reusable packaging approachable for any brand size because in the end they know that reuse is the gold standard for a more sustainable future,” the company writes. “Offering metal packaging elevates a brand and user experience through aesthetics, form, and function and will actually get recycled at the end of its life. Verity’s packaging solutions can be integrated seamlessly in any product portfolio and the options to customize their solutions are endless.”


If you’re a designer in a position to spec packaging, check out Verity’s offerings and see if you can find a fit.

