Architectural Gifs Restore Damaged Cultural Sites Around the World


Hatra, Al-Jazīrah, Iraq

Evoking a bit of time-travel, NeoMam (previously) recently animated a series of gifs that restore impressive, human-made structures around the globe to pristine condition. Although the six landmarks are now in some form of decay and have made UNESCO’s list of endangered world heritage, the short clips digitally reconstruct the sites to show what they’d look like had they not faced the ravages of time.

Included in this round of restoration are a remnant of Hatra, a large fortified city that was capital of the first Arab Kingdom, and the hundreds of islets that make up Nan Modol in Micronesia. UNESCO designated these landmarks in danger because of natural and human-generated threats like earthquakes, military conflict, and urbanization. Dig into the history behind the six restorations, which were completed in partnership with BudgetDirect and architect Jelena Popovic, in addition to other at-risk locations on UNESCO’s site.


Nan Madol, Temwen Island, Federated States of Micronesia


Leptis Magna, District of Khoms, Libya


Jerusalem, Israel


Palmyra, Tadmur, Homs Governorate, Syria


Fort San Lorenzo, Province of Colon, District of Cristobal, Panama
