Last Year’s Emoji Design for an EV Charger Rejected. Is This Year’s Design “Fixed?”

Last year Electrify America, an electric vehicle advocacy group, applied to the Unicode Consortium to have their design for an EV charger added to the emoji lexicon:


The design was rejected, and no wonder; it’s terrible. At emoji scale the thing on the right simply reads as a gas pump, with the tiny yellow plug too small to read, and making no sense besides; those are dual household prongs, whereas current EV charging plugs have no exposed prongs. On top of that, what’s with the front view of a 1985 Crown Victoria, rather than a side profile of an iconic EV car shape?

This week EA is trying again, submitting a new design that’s charger-centric:



While it’s better than last year’s design, I still think they need some indication of a car in profile, preferably a Prius or Tesla. What do you think?
