Autodesk Seeking Design Instructors and Speakers for Upcoming Virtual Conference

I know a lot of designers might be in limbo right now, with projects on hold or canceled. But this might be a good time for you to advance in another way: By establishing some leadership credentials. If you’ve got design expertise to share, skills you can teach, stories you can tell or case studies you can unpack, Autodesk wants to hear from you.

The company has announced that their annual Autodesk University will be held this year, but given COVID-19 uncertainty, AU 2020 will be entirely virtual. And they’re currently accepting proposals for instructors and presenters:

Be a leader and submit an idea:
Do you have an innovative workflow, a case study, or expertise to share with others? Submit a proposal to teach a 60- or 90-minute online class or share your knowledge in an article.
Do you have an inspirational story with ideas on the future of your industry? Submit a proposal to give a 15-minute presentation, pre-recorded live for the AU Theater.
In addition to proposing a class for AU 2020, you can also submit a proposal to present a Theater talk or write an article for publication on the AU website.

You can find the guidelines and submit a proposal here. The deadline for submission is June 22nd, and you’ll learn if you made the cut by early August.
