Industrial Design Duo Creates Duvet Cover That’s Easy to Get the Comforter In and Out of

For the able-bodied among us, changing a duvet cover is merely a pain in the ass. For Luke Gray’s aging grandmother, the task became impossible. Gray and friend Ben King–both of them industrial designers who’d worked together at Joseph Joseph–resolved to come up with something better.

That was two years ago, and now their Koa Cover design is ready for prime time:

The Koa Cover has been successfully Kickstarted, with $34,875 in pledges at press time on a $30,530 goal. If you’re interested, there’s still 27 days left to pledge.

After seeing so much megafunded technojunk lately, it’s a relief to see two actual industrial designers humbly working to tackle a mundane but commonplace problem. I wish these guys the best!

