A Beautiful Object: Astell&Kern’s ACRO L1000 Desktop Headphone Amplifier

Technology holds little appeal for me these days, and it’s been ages since I saw an electronic object that I wanted to reach out and touch. Then I saw this:


That’s hi-fi audio system manufacturer Astell&Kern’s ACRO L1000 Desktop Headphone Amplifier. I’m not a professional sound person and have zero need for an object like this, but I find it incredibly seductive. I can practically feel the weight of the object, the knurling on the dial, the precise level of resistance offered when turning the dial.


The angle the dial is set at is the exact angle I’d want for it, if I was interacting with this frequently. And the angle of the often-not-visible back seems ideal for easily plugging and unplugging things.



That being said, if I bought this and it was light in weight, or moved around on your desk when you used it, or if the resistance on the knob was too light, I’d be disappointed. This is a product whose visuals communicate and promise a certain user experience, and it has to follow through.



High-end audio gear ain’t cheap, and this is no exception. The L1000 will set you audio pros back $899.
