Photos of People Who Are Used to Working With a Lot of Monitors

If anyone’s got to be suffering from WFH, it must be traders. People used to having an office with Las-Vegas-level power requirements, who can’t get an electrician to install a sub-panel in their home-office penthouse and now have to suffer with just a laptop and a flatscreen requisitioned from a teenager’s Xbox. Because these folks are used to multimonitor set-ups.

Let’s look at the different levels:

1x2, Large Screen

What, only two monitors, you amateur? But look closely and you’ll see they have multiple windows open in each. So it’s like (stoner voice) virtual monitors, mannn.

1x4, Medium Screen

Perhaps a better choice than 1x2 if your vision isn’t great, as you don’t have to shrink windows to fit into less space.

2x4, Medium Screen

Double the 1x4 screenage, but you can no longer yell at a coworker over the top of your monitor bank.

2x3, Large Screen

The trade-off to going Large screen is that they have to be placed flush to the desk surface, so you lose some desktop real estate and can’t shove things under the monitors.

2x3+1, Medium Screen

This rebel’s got a seventh monitor at top left. Not sure why he didn’t go full 2x4; maybe the blank space gives him good sightlines to the bathroom or the room entrance.

2x5, Medium Screen

Plenty of under-monitor shovage space, which you’ll need as the wrap of the monitor bank is eating heavily into the desktop real estate.

3x4, Medium Screen

Pro level. A subset of human beings cannot withstand this level of radiation, for that many hours a day. Plus it’s gotta be ten degrees hotter sitting in front of that rig. Everyone is forced to wear light colors just to reflect the heat.
