COVID-19 Escapism: Tired of Being Cooped Up In Your House? Take a Tour of This 4,000-Square-Foot Barndominium


The folks I’ve spoken to by phone recently are all getting cabin fever. I don’t know if this will help or hurt, but if you’re tired of looking at the inside of your house, you can take a tour of this 4,000-square-foot barndominium in Texas.

(“What’s a barndominium?”)

There are two versions to watch, depending on your situation:

The “I can only spare two minutes because THE KIDS ARE CRAWLING ALL OVER ME” version:

The “Give me 17.5 minutes of any other reality please” version:

If you prefer your escapism in still photographs, the listing for the place is here. That doesn’t look like a bad place to hole up next year for COVID-20.
