FCA Design Execs Pick Their Sketch Battle Faves

To promote their Drive for Design competition, FCA recently held a virtual sketch battle on their Facebook page. Readers were asked to post a rendering of “your wickedest and most outrageous designs for a Ram truck” in the comments. Then Ralph Gilles, FCA Global Head of Design and Mark Trostle, Head of Design for Ram and Mopar, each picked their five faves and posted them to Instagram.

Ralph Gilles’ Five Favorites:

Mark Trostle’s Five Favorites:

Of the ten selected, I dug Morteza Rabiee’s sketch the most:


Unselected in the competition, but deserving mention for cheekiness, Chin Swee Hoe submitted something sure to rankle Ram owners: The cross-branded “Ram AlfaToro,” which I got a kick out of.


If you want to scroll through all of the sketches, they’re here.
