A Moment for Drive-In Movie Theaters (18 photos)

With movie theaters around the world closed or empty due to the ongoing pandemic, drive-in theaters appear to be having a momentary comeback. People looking for a big-screen movie experience can drive up, show their tickets without opening a window, and enjoy the show as an isolated family unit. Some drive-in owners are opening early in the season, hoping to provide people with something entertaining to do outside of their homes—together with others, yet safely apart. Below, recent images of moviegoers in Germany, South Korea, and the U.S.

The Bills family gets comfortable in the back of their truck with temperatures in the low 30s before the movie “Onward” starts at the Basin Drive In in Mount Pleasant, Utah, on March 27, 2020. The Basin Drive In opened early this year despite cold temperatures because of the closure of indoor movie theaters due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ( George Frey / Getty)