Entrepreneur Figures Out How to Make Shoes Using Skin from Chicken Feet

Nurman Farieka Ramdhany, an entrepreneurial cobbler in Indonesia, has figured out how to make shoes using the skin from chicken feet. And while it might sound gross, it’s in fact sustainable.

To be clear, the chickens are not being killed to produce the shoes; they’re already being killed for meat. And while people eat chicken feet in Indonesia (as they do in China, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and other parts of the world), the tough outer layer of skin on chicken feet is inedible. This is the part that Ramdhany, his father and their employees remove. (The feet, with their edible inner skin intact, then presumably move on to become food.)

The skins are then dyed and painstakingly stitched together, providing enough material to form a shoe out of.







“It takes 45 chicken feet to make a pair of shoes, which are priced between $35 and $140,” Reuters reports. In the video they shot of Ramdhany, you can get a better look at his process:
