The Link: A Motorized Modification to Car Seats That Makes Ingress/Egress Way Easier

This ergonomic, motorized car seat modification makes getting in and out of a car much easier for people with mobility issues. Called Link, it can be installed beneath your car’s existing seat to make life much easier for the user. Here’s how it works:

Link was invented by Canadian company Adapt Solutions, which specializes in “innovative mobility solutions” like vehicle wheelchair lifts and ramps as well as transfer seats. The video was shot by Mobility One Transportation, an Oklahoma-based installer and seller of accessible vehicles.

It’s worth noting that while the Link was designed as a transfer seat for wheelchair users, it might be useful to folks that aren’t in wheelchairs as well. In particular, I think my 70-something neighbor, who can walk but has bad knees that make it very difficult to enter or exit cars, could really use something like this.
