The Weekly Design Roast, #30

When your first CAD tutorial goes straight into production.

Prior to studying as a Jedi, Ben Solo briefly worked as a fixtures designer. Even then there were signs of trouble.

Another “Thing that doesn’t work well but that design blogs think is cool because it’s made out of another thing” object.

At the very least, oughtn’t they have made the real light ray correspond with the shape of the fake light ray?

“Cactuses just sit there and demand very little resources from us. So I wanted some that would waste electricity.”

“First off, broken glass isn’t that hard to clean up; secondly, it’s not like they can’t just buy another light bulb. So no, I don’t think your criticisms are valid”

“Swap out conventional material with something ‘surprising’” = “Design awards, here we come”

Not-so-subtle commentary on the value and disposable nature of current photography.

“Are you ready for this? That’s not just glitter–that’s Stripper Glitter.”

This is what happens when you run an organization where all of your employees are afraid to criticize your ideas.
