The Best Process Porn Videos of 2019

What did we discover during the last half of this decade? Among many things, we found out that you all love some process video therapy. As we’re ones who don’t like to disappoint, we’ve gathered all of our best #processporn videos featured on the Core77 Instagram account from the past year for your bulk viewing pleasure:

One mind-boggingly Japanese event we love to keep tabs on is the Kezuroukai wood planing competition. Feast your eyes on just how competitive wood planing can get (via Dylan Iwakuni).

If someone had told me at the beginning of the decade there would be glossy videos of metal bending machines on the internet that people go crazy for, I would’ve laughed in their face. But I guess who’s laughing now?

If you haven’t seen this video yet, do yourself a favor and hold out until the very end. It’s glorious (via Jukin).

Origami folding tricks are so early 2000s. Check out this video of some seriously impressive dumpling folding skills instead (via Reddit).

This jig for hand making bricks is pretty neat-o.

Pastry chef Amaury Guichon hands down has our favorite food Instagram accounts. Check out this wild dessert he makes using some CAD software and 3D printing!

This video by animator Kevin Parry’s lets you in on his sweet stop motion process.

As noxious as the fiberglass chair making process can be, there’s just something so soothing about watching one of the chairs come to life.

Custom styrofoam cutter. Need I say more?

This ultra specialized industrial tool for precious bud will have any stoner salivating.

This wood staining process is apparently called Shou Sugi ban, and it utilizes an unconventional material to get a beautiful, dark finish: fire!

Whether or not you’re familiar with how plywood is made, this video is sure to delight every time.

This video of a blow-molded chair will somehow not shed the mystery of how blow molded manufacturing works— it looks like magic!

Aaaand another blow molding video because we know you wanted more.

Anyone who watches this tile leveling technique will be blown away. Those of us who have tiled before without this tool might get a bit jealous.

As we’ve learned over time thanks to Instagram, there are many different techniques out there for getting a beautiful mosaic tile. This one here ensures uniformity every time, and the big reveal ends up being so satisfying.

This video shows how webbed polymer lights are made. I can’t help but think this process is partly the inspiration behind Spiderman’s web-shooting superpower….

After watching this video on our Instagram, many of you expressed wanting to throw in the towel at your current job to spend your life painting lines on basketballs. We can’t blame you!

If you haven’t already, go ahead and follow our Instagram and wait for the never-ending supply of satisfying #processporn to come your way.
