How to Apply UN Sustainable Development Goals to Your Design Practice

Did you miss out on the festivities at this years Core77 Conference, “The Third Wave”? Don’t sweat it, as we are rolling out many of our presenters’ presentations over the next few weeks.

In this video, moderator Leigh Christie of MistyWest speaks with, Brian Ho of Google Sidewalk Labs, Meagan Durlak of IDEO and Sandra Moerch of SAP to help illuminate what the UN Sustainable Development Goals are and ways in which designers can utilize the goals to affect change through their design work:

Watch more from the 2019 Core77 Conference:

What is Third Wave Design? | Allan Chochinov, Core77 Partner

John Maeda on the Merit of Taking Design Risks

How to Use Data to Design Better Products | Joe Meersman, Marijke Jorritsma and Dean Malmgren

Founder and COO of Farmshelf Suma Reddy Wants to Fix Our Broken Food System

Roots Studio CEO Rebecca Hui Helps Indigenous Artisans Around the World Capitalize on Their Artwork

Future is Code for Eugenics | Liz Jackson
