McMansion Hell Site Tackles the Wealthy Suburbs of Washington, D.C.

The last time we checked in on McMansion Hell, founder Kate Wagner was tearing into Betsy DeVos’ 22,000-square-foot summer home. For the past few months Wagner has been trawling an area closer to our capital: The wealthy suburbs of D.C., where McMansions proliferate, and she’s picked out ten noteworthy examples. Assuming politicians from both of the major parties reside locally, Wagner has discovered that bad design is a non-partisan issue. Some examples:

“#4: Mad Hatter (Fairfax County)”

“#6: Sticker Shock (Loudoun County)”

“#9: Tricorn Turret (Loudoun County)”

See the rest at 50 States of McMansion Hell: Fairfax and Loudoun County, Virginia.
