Guess What These Photographs are of

Okay guys and gals, thinking caps on. What are these photos of:

Need some more help?

If you said “fish farms,” ding ding. These overhead shots were captured by German photographer Bernhard Lang, cruising over the Grecian coast in a helicopter.

Lang took these photos in 2017, the same year that fish farms began drawing scrutiny following “The Fish on My Plate,” a PBS documentary series investigating the health of the ocean and its denizens.

This year saw the release of another documentary looking at fish farms called “Artifishal: The Road to Extinction is Paved With Good Intentions.” Produced by Patagonia, the doc provides an eye-opening look at how fish hatcheries and farms, once thought to be eco- and animal-friendly benign environmental solutions, are actually leading us down the road to disaster. If you watch this, I bet you’ll drop farm-raised salmon from your diet immediately.

If you’re interested in the topic but are not able to view either of these, Nat Geo reviewed “The Fish on My Plate” here, and The Revelator has a good write-up on “Artifishal” here.
