What is the Highest-Paying Job an Industrial Designer Could Realistically Transition Into?

None of us got into ID for the money. So I was not surprised to see, on the Glassdoor Economic Research Blog’s list of “Highest Paying Jobs of 2019,” that “Industrial Designer” was not one of the categories.

Here’s their list, by the way:

From the Glassdoor Economic Research Blog

So I asked myself, which of these could your average industrial designer who wants to make a little more scratch transition into?

There’s job #5, “Enterprise Architect,” but I hear that Star Fleet has a toxic work culture. Plus who wants to be drawing these lame things all day:

No, your best bet would be job #18, “UX Manager,” with that sweet median base salary of $102,489.

So how do you become a UX Manager? First you’d have to find work as a UX Designer (duh), to put the “experience” in “user experience.” Luckily for you, the Coroflot Job Boards has dozens of job listings seeking UX people, in all parts of the country–as well as those coveted “remote” gigs. Click here to check ‘em out.

And if you just want to see how your current salary stacks up against the salaries of your peers, be sure to check out the Coroflot Design Salary Guide.
