Watch an Industrial Designer Rate and Improve on Existing Kitchen Tools

If you’re a designer, it’s likely you interact with objects on a daily basis and think, “there’s a much better way to design this [insert object here],” or more simply, “this thing is trash!” So attain a bit of catharsis today by watching seasoned industrial designer and Smart Design co-founder Dan Formosa rate and test out kitchen gadgets for Epicurious:

While Formosa only employs a couple methods for testing a product’s effectiveness, it still reveals to the non-designer the many minutiae involved with getting a kitchen tool right they may have never considered. To make the video even better, Formosa does some sketching to demonstrate how each object could be designed to improve on the original. Bon appétit, designers!

How would you have redesigned one of the objects featured in the video? Share in the comment section below.
