Announcing the Core77 Design-Athlon!

We are very excited to announce the Core77 Design-Athlon, a series of skill-based challenges to keep our audience of designers and students sharp through the summer months.

Special guest-judges will work with Core77 staff to crown one winner and four runners-up per challenge, with points accumulating over the summer toward skill-based titles and an overall Design-Athlon Championship.

Each challenge and its results will be announced via the Core77 Instagram, with points totals being tracked on the Core77.com homepage.

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June: Sketching

Challenge S1: Announced Monday, June 10 – Deadline Friday, June 14

Challenge S2: Announced Monday, June 17 – Deadline Friday, June 21

Challenge S3: Announced Monday, June 24 - Deadline Friday, June 28

July: Prototyping

Challenge P1: Announced Monday, July 1 – Deadline Friday, July 12

Challenge P2: Announced Monday, July 15 – Deadline Friday, July 26

August: Rendering

Challenge R1: Announced Monday, August 5 – Deadline Friday, August 16

Challenge R2: Announced Monday, August 19 – Deadline Friday, August 30

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How to Enter and Rules

To Enter a Core77 Design-Athalon Challenge:

1. Follow us on Instagram

2. Explore the topic of the current design challenge and take a picture or screenshot of your best work

3. Post your picture to Instagram. Your post must tag us, @core77, and include the challenges general hashtag #c77challenge, as well as a more specific hashtag based on the type of challenge (#c77sketching, #c77prototyping or #c77rendering)


• Each separate challenge will end on its deadline date, and winners will be announced within three weeks. Overall winners will be announced within three weeks of the final challenge.

• Multiple entries are permitted in each challenge, but a participant can not have more than one winning entry per challenge.

• Winning entries will be selected by a panel of design professional(s) and Core77 staff based on skill, presentation and ideas. Winners will be awarded points per challenge, and at the end of the Design-Ahthlon, overall winners will be determined by simple addition of points earned within each of the three skills. Overall winners will need to have participated in at least one challenge per skill.

• The contest is hosted by Core77, and there are no eligibility restrictions.

• This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram.

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Do you have what it takes to be crowned the Ultimate Designer? Good luck, and follow along!

Start here: @core77

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Title Photo by sergio souza on Unsplash
