New Brand by Humankind Launches Compostable Refills for their Deodorant and Mouthwash Tablets

Just a few weeks ago, I begged subscription-based micro brands to cut down on excess refill packaging that goes against their “sustainable” missions in a 2018 trend re-cap. Just a couple months into the new year and new brand by Humankind announces this:

Yeah okay, this is another plastic refillable deodorant shell. But, just like with any good real-life human, it’s what’s on the inside that counts, right? Instead of sending customers plastic cartridge refills like most deodorant, razor, etc. subscription brands do, by Humankind sends what they call ’Kindfills’, which are compostable paper refill pods that look like this: 

Deodorant Kindfill

They also do the same for their mouthwash tablets ($9.95), which are essentially little pills that turn into mouthwash when dropped in water. They can also be used without water, which I happily tested and enjoyed in the airport after a morning breath-inducing flight. 

Mouthwash tablet packaging Mouthwash tablet Kindfill

While the deodorant and mouthwash tablet packaging is still plastic, at least the refills, which are much more frequent, aren’t. Now all that’s left is figuring out how to mail the refills in compostable packaging… baby steps!

Back to the deodorant ($14.95): from an ID/packaging design perspective, I truly do appreciate the ease of use the plastic shell offers as opposed to competitors. Without reading directions, it was clear all the user has to do to add a cartridge is unscrew the bottom, pop a cartridge in place, turn the cartridge to lock it in and finally screw the base back on. Once the base is screwed back on, it does not fall out of place unless intentionally activated. It reminds me of the locking mechanisms on two objects I frequently use at home, the Muji aroma diffuser and Naoto Fukasawa blender

I thought the smooth finish of the plastic would slip through my fingers as opposed to the ribbed design of competitor Myro, but in addition to the larger size of by Humankind’s version, there’s actually a slight grip to its material, making a ribbed design unnecessary. I’m also digging the more muted color palette by Humankind offers as opposed to Myro, but I admittedly still gravitate towards the very 2019 update to millennial pink, lime green. 

Oh, and by Humankind also offers shampoo bars ($12.95), which don’t require any plastic packaging, so there’s not much for me to say on that front.
