“Good, Cheap and Fast:” A Minimalist Website that Weeds Out Fake Reviews and Makes Online Shopping Easier

An example of good UX design is the concept behind shopping on Amazon. Meaning you should be able to look at a product’s star rating, then read actual user reviews to confirm that the product is what you need. Unfortunately, humans screw this good design concept up. People leave one-star reviews because they didn’t read the description carefully enough and ordered the wrong size or color, and say nothing about the product’s actual efficacy. Then there are the fake reviews praising or lambasting the product. While most of us can spot fake reviews, it’s still a pain going through all of them to deduce if the star rating is bogus or not.

Enter data scientist John DeFeo. He’s started a website called “Good, Cheap and Fast” that seeks to make online shopping easier by weeding out the chaff for you. “This site wouldn’t exist without user reviews, i.e. the reviews that actual customers write about a product,” DeFeo writes. “I find products with lots of positive reviews, then I toss out the suspicious ones. Then, I remove the products with above-average prices.

"The result: above-average products selling at below-average prices.”

A self-avowed fan of 1990s website design, DeFeo has chosen a minimalist, all-text layout for the site, absent “ads, trackers, slideshows or bandwidth-hogging images,” and I can attest that it’s pretty easy on the eyes.


Try it out here.
