Good Thing Names West Elm Their Exclusive Retailer

Good Thing founder and designer Jamie Wolfond just announced that Good Thing will be closing up their online shop to be exclusively sold at West Elm moving forward. Wolfond, who founded Good Thing in 2014, is ready to make space in his life to focus on his personal studio, Jamie Wolfond Studio, which in the near future will ramp up its product design and creative consulting services. 

Good Thing is a brand that has captured many designers’ hearts due to its high quality, boundary-pushing designs available at reasonable price points, and we’re hoping this new partnership will keep that beloved brand integrity alive. 

The good news? Jamie still owns Good Thing, and from what we’ve gathered, West Elm will be handling all the logistics (marketing, shipping, etc.) while Jamie continues to play a large role in the collection’s design process. Pretty sweet. This model actually makes perfect sense for Good Thing, as Jamie isn’t the sole designer of the brand—he is known for recruiting and working with design talent across the world to discover new ideas and manufacturing techniques, including the likes of Jasper Morrison and Christopher Specce.

“I’m very excited to move Good Thing forward with a partner like West Elm. Good Thing’s mission is to bring better design to more people. Working with a larger brand will allow the collection to reach a new, and much broader, audience of consumers.” —Jamie Wolfond

So what does this mean for Good Thing’s loyal customer base? For starters, you officially can’t purchase anything on Good Thing’s website. Seasonal Good Thing collections will be available at West Elm. Jamie Wolfond Studio will be showing a collection of prototypes at the Stockholm Furniture Fair'sGreenhouse this February—more to come on that soon. Some people may be frustrated by this change, but if you can have your cake (design brand) and eat it too (make lots of money), why wouldn’t you seize the opportunity?
