ISLAND: A Cast of Colorful Creatures Pop, Quiver, and Hiccup in a Charming Stop-Motion Animation

ISLAND is a new animated short by Max Mörtl and Robert Löbel which transports the audience to an island populated by a diverse range of fictitious creatures. Solitary pink blocks, bird-like beings, and volcanos find friends and partners along the way, each showcasing a unique method of verbal or aural communication. Lava wiggles while Tetris-like tubes find unique ways to stack and connect, and a blue blob rhythmically beats its long nose against the trunk of an island tree to attract the attention of a feathered friend. The film is a mix of 2d animation and stop motion crafted from paper, cotton balls, and clay, and is soundtracked by designer David Kamp who melodically edits together the animals’ noises. (via Colossal Submissions)
