Honda’s Sound Sitter Lets You Lull Your Baby to Sleep with the Sound of 37 Different Car Engines
Why hire a babysitter when you can use a Sound Sitter? Honda’s design team in Japan got to thinking one day, “I wonder if the sound of our revving car engines would calm babies down instantly.” So, naturally, they sampled the sounds of 37 different Honda car engines, put the sound box in a plush car and gave it a go. According to the first 7 seconds of the video, the Sound Sitter is an overwhelming success with babies:
While it seems crazy, Honda might actually be onto something. Here’s a (roughly) translated version of the thinking behind the experiment:
“Humans with nearly 70% moisture are susceptible to sound and the body is affected at the cellular level. Various studies on the influence of sound on newborn babies have been made, and it is also becoming clear that the sound close to the womb sound is useful for the sedative effect of the newborn. Although the sounds heard in the uterus contain many low frequencies such as mother’s blood flow and heart sounds, the engine sound of Honda’s car also included low frequencies of 250 Hz or less.” — Supervisor, Sound Healing Association President Keiichiro Kida
You can check out sound Sitter’s website for more details on the research.
I’ve watched this video upwards of 10 times in a row, and I’m starting to fall asleep—maybe I’ll bring one on my plane trip to CES next month… Parents, would the Sound Sitter calm your kids down?
6 years ago