A 747 With an Elevator That Deploys From the Belly

A company called Greenpoint Technologies designs luxury aircraft interiors for VIPs. Their portfolio is pretty jaw-dropping and I’m still going through it, but first I wanted to bring you news of this Aerolift they designed.

In short, the Aerolift is an elevator that deploys from the belly of a 747. It allows you to transport four thin, rich people from the tarmac to the interior of the airplane.

The benefits of the Aerolift are numerous. On the way up to the cabin, you pass through the below-decks cargo area, allowing you to appraise the organization of your luggage. This provides you with an opportunity to berate your staff if you don’t like what you see.

While the capacity of the aircraft is 100 passengers, the Aerolift can only carry four, allowing you to select three attendants to take the vertical journey with you. The other 96 can scuttle up that stair truck, which should serve to reinforce their position and worth.

The price of the Aerolift is obviously not listed, as this is a “If you have to ask how much it costs…” level of add-on. However, we can think of at least one alternative to an Aerolift that is presumably within the same price range, or perhaps even cheaper. For those of you considering either of these options, we have worked out a helpful comparison chart for you below:

Which One is Right for Me?
