Beyond Industrial Design: Apply to SVA’s MFA in Products of Design

The deadline for applying to SVA’s MFA in Products of Design program is just one month away on January 15th, so if you’re interested in grad school, you’ll want to give this a hard look. Chaired by Core77’s Allan Chochinov, the program sits at “the sweet spot between design thinking and design making"—but it’s courses go far beyond traditional ID education.

The Datalogue at NYCxDesign 2018 Swift Prosthetic for short-term use

"To design anything means to design everything—that’s the beating heart of what we believe,” offers Chochinov. A designer needs the skills, methods, and fluencies from almost every design discipline, so we teach systems, interaction design, smart objects, design for social innovation, design research, branding, service design, sustainability, strategy, and business design. And we do it in a 2-year MFA program.“

Cara Menstrual Product and Waste Carrier for multi-day trips outdoors GLARE Uplight-Illuminating Skateboard for urban commuters

"Also we’re in New York City, so the students take a lot of classes at professional consultancy offices like IDEO, Frog Design, and Material ConneXion, and we partner every year to design products for MoMA’s wholesale division. There’s also a ton of ethics and professional practice built into the entire two years, so we’re fortifying designers with a point of view and a personal mission for their creative lives.”

MoMA Opening featuring Products of Design in New York City

Want to change the trajectory of your career? Check out student work on their project blog, read 14 THINGS THAT MATTER: What distinguishes the MFA in Products of Design? , check out some thesis projects and apply to the program starting at their apply page.
