Timothy Wilmots, Designer/Builder of That Incredible Transforming Shop Cart, is Quitting Furniture Making

Well, this just stinks.

Furniture designer/builder Timothy Wilmots is the guy who invented the incredible transforming shop cart we looked at last year. He maintains a YouTube channel in which he reveals both his creations and his workshop efficiency tips.


Shortly after posting the videos on the shop cart, his posts came to an abrupt stop. During the ten months of radio silence, fans like me hoped nothing had happened to the guy, and his in-box had a reported 10,000 unread e-mails.

This week we’ve received the terrible news that he’s quitting furniture making altogether, and closing down that gorgeous shop:

If you’re at work and can’t sneak the video onto your screen, there’s a print explanation for his unexpected retirement here. Long story short, his father is retiring and Wilmots needs to take over the family farm. On top of the fact that Wilmots is a new father himself, farming is a full-time gig that leaves no hours in the day for the furniture-making business. But there is one bit of positive news:

“I do…intend to go out with a bang,” Wilmots writes, “and do something to transmit to others the knowledge I built up through the years, especially in terms of making goldsmith work benches. Which I was careful about not to show too much of in the past to protect my livelihood.”

We’ll keep you posted of any updates on that front, and we’ll also begin mining his archives for useful shop tips and such.

And to Wilmots: Best of luck on your new journey!

