Top 25 News Photos of 2018 (25 photos)

We near the end of another eventful year. Wildfires raged across California, the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy toward immigrants led to family separations, relations between North and South Korea eased a bit, a horrific school shooting in Florida touched off a nationwide gun control protest and debate, France won the World Cup in Moscow, Britain’s Prince Harry wed Meghan Markle, the U.S. held a historic midterm election, and so much more. Here, we present the Top 25 News Photos of 2018—be sure to come back soon for a more comprehensive series, beginning tomorrow, 2018: The Year in Photos, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

A two-year-old Honduran asylum seeker cries as her mother is searched and detained near the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018, in McAllen, Texas. The asylum seekers had rafted across the Rio Grande from Mexico and were detained by U.S. Border Patrol agents. The mother set her down to allow the search to take place, and the girl immediately began screaming. Then, according to an interview with Moore by the Washington Post reporter Avi Selkan, “the woman picked up her daughter, they walked into the van, the van drove away, and Moore never saw them again.” A June 20 article from The Daily Beast says they spoke with a U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesperson, who told them that this particular mother and child were not separated during processing. The photo became iconic and spread around the world as opposition rose against the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy towards undocumented immigrants which led to hundreds of families being separated at the border, despite the fact that this particular family was never separated. ( John Moore / Getty)