Clever Contraption Makes Your Washing Machine Vibration-Free and Silent

Here’s a fun bit of infrastructural engineering adapted to a humble domestic application. While your home doesn’t generate the seismic activity that civil engineers worry about, there is one culprit that vibrates and makes a racket: Your washing machine. Few among us have the inclination to monitor and rebalance laundry loads, and if you’ve got sensitive downstairs neighbors–or short hose lines–a “dancing” washing machine presents a problem.

An Italian start-up called Elmac has devised a solution by using Active Vibration Control, of the sort that engineers use to make buildings earthquake-safe. Look at the difference with Elmac’s AVC system off, then on:

In addition to the obvious benefits of less noise, the company claims their device will save energy on the spin phase, and prolong the life of your washer through less wear-and-tear on the parts.

At about fifty bucks per unit–and a stunningly cheap two units for $60 total–the device seems inexpensive enough to be worthwhile.


It’s not clear if this one will make it over the finish line: At press time the Kickstarter campaign had $7,818 in pledges on an $11,349 goal. There are still 22 days left to pledge.
