It’s a wonderful feeling when you encounter harmony between Mother Nature and the built environment. When architecture not only contemplates nature but intimately engages with it as a pivotal element of design. This quality is deeply palpable in the residence Bosc d’en Pep Ferrer by architect Marià Castelló Martínez. The three geometric structures that make up the home emerge from the rugged landscape on the island of Formentera, Spain.

Modest and introspective, the forms are sheathed in silvery timber on three sides and open up towards the dramatic coastline to the south. The dwelling enjoys panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea where the horizon is only interrupted by the beautiful silhouette of the Pi des Català Tower; a defensive structure built in 1763. This protected monument was lovingly restored by Costelló in 2016 and is one of four lookouts on the island.

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