If Dogs Were Designers, They’d Demand to Be Carried in This Dog Carrier

Imagine for a moment that your dog were a designer in its mid to late 20s. What would they wear? How would they choose to accessorize? What would their apartment look like? Open your eyes and feast them on the new dog essentials brand Wild One:

Leash and Collar in Tan
Poop Bags and Poop Bag Carrier in Red
Harness and Leash in Tan

The new brand knows just how to win the hearts of design conscious dog parents—through a careful color palette and by offering stripped-back essential items only. While Wild One’s dog collars, harnesses and poop bag dispensers are all noteworthy design updates to most existing products, I’m particularly intrigued by their version of the dog carrier: 

Carrier in Black

After NYC banned dogs from the subway unless they can fit in “a bag”, scenes like the ones below became all too common:

Dog in bag photos: courtesy of Sad and Useless

The design of Wild One’s dog carrier, for small dogs at least, offers a more streamlined solution than schlepping your pupper in a duffel bag—with the added bonus of not suffocating them! What a thought. There isn’t anything holding the dog’s face in the bag while zipped, not even a mesh layer of fabric, but the dog is still secure:

Carrier in Tan

The dog can easily exit the bag once it is unzipped and placed on the ground. To prevent them from escaping, simply leave the top zipped up. Unless you have a super tiny dog on your hands, they won’t be going anywhere. 

Carrier in Navy
Carrier in Tan
Carrier in Tan
Carrier in Navy

Next, I hope to see a version for bigger dogs so these poor huskies can stop commuting in duffel bags, but for now, props to Wild One for setting the pet carrier design bar higher than this: 

“Enough, Diane.”
