Volunteer Citibike Redistributors Get Sweet, Special Key Designed by Tomorrow Lab

A buddy of mine used to work for the MTA, and he had a special Metrocard for MTA employees that was in a different color. It was so cool, like a talisman that only behind-the-scenes folks were awarded.

Now there’s something similar for Citibike’s assisters. To redistribute bikes around the city, the bike share program relies on some 35,000 volunteer Bike Angels, who contribute their time in exchange for riding credit. Citibike administrator Motivate contracted Tomorrow Lab, a hardware innovation studio, to provide these Bike Angels with their version of an exclusive Metrocard:

“Every Bike Angel gets a key to unlock bikes at the stations. The original key is a white plastic tag, but Citi Bike wanted to upgrade to something more special. Over the past few months, the redesigned key has gone through several iterations.The final design will be sent to hundreds of Bike Angels who have accrued enough points through volunteer service. The keychain has a sleek engraved steel base, featuring unique portions of the New York City street map in the trademark Citi Bike shade of blue. We’re calling it The Steel Angel Key.”

The Steel Angel Key is emblazoned with segments of a map of New York City over an engraved steel base. Want one? Sign up for the Bike Angels program here.
