Using Transparent Blocks of Acrylic to See Which Penetrating Oil Works Best

What superpower would you like to have? The stock answers are flight or invisibility, but I’d have to go with X-ray vision. When fixing a machine or implement, having the ability to see what’s going on inside would be priceless.

This here is the next best thing to having X-ray vision: The fellow behind Project Farm, a YouTube channel that tests shop tools and fixes, wanted to see which penetrating oil works the best. To do it, he rusted up a bunch of bolts, tapped pieces of acrylic to insert them into, then purchased six products– Brake Fluid, Seafoam Deep Creep, Fluid Film, BG In-Force, WD-40 Rust Specialist, CRC Knock'er Loose–and applied them such that we can see the oil penetration in action:
