A Kinetic Sculpture Twists and Morphs Based on the Fibonacci Sequence

The order that silently governs our seemingly disorderly world. ‘Square Wave’ by @ivanblacksculpture is based on the Fibonacci, the basic structure that makes up every living thing. #IvanBlack #InTheMannerOfSmoke #ALICEBLACK

A post shared by A L I C E B L A C K (@aliceblackgallery) on Jun 21, 2018 at 8:22am PDT

London-based sculptor Ivan Black creates large-scale kinetic sculptures that are inspired by mathematical formulae and minimal design. One of his latest pieces, Square Wave, is smaller than his typical works and was designed in response to the Fibonacci sequence of numbers. The mobile-like object is made up of several metal bands which curve and flatten as the work twists, creating a mesmerizing movement that is at once fluid and strictly geometric.

The sculpture is included in the group exhibition In the Manner of Smoke at Alice Black Gallery in London through July 7, 2018. You can view more of Black’s interactive designs based on mathematical structures on his website and Instagram. (via Design Milk)

Installation view of Square Wave in the exhibition “In the Manner of Smoke” at Alice Black Gallery
