Rohingya Refugees Earning a Meager Wage in the Fishing Industry (32 photos)

In March, Clodagh Kilcoyne, a Reuters photographer, spent time in the Shamlapur refugee camp in Bangladesh, home to approximately 10,000 of the 700,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees who fled the violence in neighboring Myanmar’s Rakhine state. According to Kilcoyne, some of the refugees have now found work in the fishing industry, “earning a tiny daily income and occasional share of the catch, all under the official radar.” Unable to legally work in Bangladesh, refugees support themselves with help from charitable organizations, extended family, and informal jobs such as fishing. Even though the living conditions are harsh in the camps, several Rohingya refugees responded to Kilcyone’s questions with gratitude for where they were, and what that meant—safety from the violence that came for them in Myanmar.

Rohingya refugees crew a fishing boat from Shamlapur Beach heading out to the Bay of Bengal near Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, on March 21, 2018. The boat is unstable in rough seas, due to its shape. (Clodagh Kilcoyne / Reuters)