Magical German-Designed Micro Vacuum Attachment

Is there any worse sound than when you’re vacuuming, and suddenly hear the whining interrupted by that “FWUPP” noise that means you just sucked up a small object? What the eff was that? My wedding ring? A piece of crucial medication? That special screw I dropped and have been looking everywhere for? That SD card with all of my financial data on it? My good luck wizard figurine that is missing one jeweled eye yet still consistently sends the Pats to the Super Bowl?

This gizmo from Germany would prevent you from having to disassemble the vac:

I know, it has all the makings of an “As Seen on TV” gizmo that you order late at night after having a couple of Heinekens then receive a week later and say “What was I thinking.” As you go to take the recycling out a pair of green Heineken bottles seem to be mocking you through the transparent bag. However, I do think it would actually be useful.

German-speakers: I am certain you guys have invented a word for the feeling that follows hearing the “FWUPP” noise. Please type it in the comments below, along with a pronunciation guide.
