A Roof Window That Transforms Into a Balcony in Seconds

In “Great Design Solutions for Maximizing the Functionality of a Pitched-Roof Space,” we looked at some nifty design tricks for those living in attic spaces. Here’s another one that adds something the previous tricks didn’t: Fresh air and an observation platform.

imageGIF via 99%

That’s the Cabrio Balcony window, manufactured by Velux. If you’re willing to cut a roughly 40" x 100" hole into your roof, you can install one of these, making it easy for you to survey your property and/or tell those kids to get off of your lawn.

Not shown in the video is that the window also features a ventilation option where you click it open just a crack, and an internal filter allows air to flow into the room without letting in any dust.


Also I should point out: Sadly, that rock music you hear in the video is not the video’s soundtrack. Every time you approach the window, that music begins automatically playing and does not subside until you close the window. Trade-offs, folks.
