Future Tech: What are Your Ideas for Applications for These Display Concepts?

In anticipation of the era when flexible display technology becomes viable, the UK-based digital art/design collective known as Universal Everything has envisioned a series of different display types. They’ve got one supercut that shows all 27 concepts which I’ll place down at the bottom; I found the majority of them to be more on the art side than the design side.

While the fanciful, artsy concepts are important for sparking people’s imaginations, I wanted to isolate the ones that I thought seemed most practical, or would perhaps be produced before the others, first.

Prototype 11 (Ring)

I suppose having a ring that told you the outside temperature would be helpful, but I’d also appreciate using this for short-term reminders: To take something out of the oven, unload the laundry, mail that letter, et cetera. As a naturally forgetful person, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone out to run an errand, while forgetting to bring something crucial to a nearby second errand. In a perfect world, as I approached my front door to leave for the supermarket, the ring would blink and read “MAIL RENT,” reminding me to grab the envelope before I left.

Prototype 9 (Holograph?)

It’s unclear if this is meant to be holographic or actually shape-shifting, as one of their other concepts is. While I have no need to see my friends’ disembodied faces, this type of display would be tremendously useful if interacting with, say, McMaster-Carr’s website: Imagine trying to find a specific type of fastener, not knowing what it’s called, and being able to flip through 3D representations of them to find precisely what you need.

Prototype 8 (Bicycle)

Screens of the Future - Prototype 8 from Universal Everything on Vimeo.

Bicycle wheel LED displays already exist, but extending the display throughout the entire bicycle couldn’t hurt for those biking at night who want to ensure that cars can see them.

I’d also love to see this attached to some kind of anti-theft system, so that the next time some jerk tries to boost your seat the entire bike starts flashing.

Prototype 6 (Flatware)

Screens of the Future - Prototype 6 from Universal Everything on Vimeo.

Perhaps this plate could be programmed to warn if the food touching it contained some type of allergen, E. coli or parasites. Alternatively, fitness nuts might like to know how much protein/carbs/etc. a particular meal contained.

Prototype 2 (Machine Housing)

This is a real stretch, but seeing this one made me think of a clothes dryer, and how it might turn red if, say, something inside was getting scorched. Then I started thinking of a jet turbine, or any type of enclosed machinery that undergoes routine maintenance, and how it would be helpful for the housing to display information relevant to its internal performance.

Prototype 4 (Shape-Shifting)

This concept appears to actually shape-shift and its utility seems obvious. The way it flips itself over to announce a message is nifty, if a bit unnerving.

The Supercut of All 27 Concepts

Can you think of additional applications for any of these?
