What will cars look like in the future? Thanks to inspired engineers like Elon Musk, the automobile – a status symbol or humble cart to move from A to B, seems to be shapeshifting almost daily. I recently hitched an Uber ride in a Tesla Model X without fully appreciating the gravity of its ‘Falcon Wing’ doors (note: there is no door handle, they’re totally automatic – and they open upwards, spaceship-style).

We’re now assured all cars will be driving themselves very soon, but all that amazing tech aside, design will hopefully be the lasting creative, human element in the automobile world. And it’s maybe that idea that’s inspired Mercedes-Benz to sort of fossilize a 1979 G-Class in a hefty 40,000 kg of amber coloured resin.

The white four-wheel drive, suspended in what (surely has to be) the world’s biggest installation of synthetic resin, was on show at the North American International Art Show in Detroit. The G Class is the longest-lived model series from Mercedes-Benz into modern times and the idea of the installation was to freeze frame the timeless design of the luxury off-road vehicle, artistically preserving its design DNA similarly to the natural phenomena where insects are preserved in amber (extra reading: Jurassic Park). The stunt also heralded in a brand new G-Class.

As for how on earth the luxury car became encased in 4.4 tonnes of resin, the process took about 90 days, with the block growing by about 3cm each day. The concept was dreamt up by Mercedes-Benz’ creative agency Antoni, and the production of the cube was carried out by Markenfilm Crossing.

Words by Sammy Preston.

Related: ‘A Breath Of Mobility’ by Yasuaki Onishi for Mercedes-Benz.

[Images & video courtesy of Mercedes-Benz.]

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