The Beecosystem: A Modular Indoor Honeybee Hive With Outdoor Commuting Tube

Ant farms are lame because the ants don’t really do much, other than walk around showing off how much weight they can carry. Wouldn’t you rather have an indoor beehive, where you can see the little buggers making honey?

“I sure would,” you say, “but I don’t want to get stung everytime I let them out.” Of course you don’t! That’s why entrepreneur Michael Zaengle developed the Beecosystem. This hexagonal-shaped viewing case features a transparent tube that “vents” outside of your window for ingress and egress.

The hives are modular, so you can add more hives as needed, with an entryway between the two.

Zaengle has also designed a sort of crumb tray on the bottom, so you can remove discarded beeswax caps (or cigarette butts, if your bees smoke).

Take a look:

I was curious as to how you harvest honey from the thing, since they didn’t show it in the video. I dug through the instruction manual and it turns out that the harvesting part needs to be done outside. You’re meant to pop a hive off of the wall bracket, put that bomb technician suit on and carry the hive outdoors where you can open the back up and commit your honey burglary.

Zaengle mentions an IndieGogo in the video. The video went live yesterday but oddly I can find no link to any IndieGogo campaign on his website nor under the video itself, so perhaps it’s still in the works. Maybe he just wants to generate some…buzz.
