Math Teacher Dad Designs and Builds Epic Elevated Reading Space for His Family’s Home, All By His Damn Self

I’m typically not a fan of when people take someone else’s videos and make a supercut from the clips, but at least they credited the guy here and are showing off his excellent work.

Samuel Mamias is a math teacher in France. And I don’t know how he’s done this on a teacher’s salary–I think I need to move to France–but he seemingly owns every hand tool, power tool, Festool product and large stationary shop tool you can think of.

He’s also got design and fabrication skills. So when he wanted to create a reading space for his family’s home and utilize some wasted overhead space, he designed and built it himself. Regardez-vous:

If you want to see more detail, Mamias documented the entire thing on his YouTube channel over the course of ten videos. You can start on the first one here, but be aware that the explanations are in French only.
