Black Celebrities and the Presidency (21 photos)

Donald Trump Jr. recently defended his father from charges of racism in an interview with the Daily Caller, offering as evidence a past history of photographs taken of the elder Trump with African-American celebrities. Since the mid-20th century, U.S. presidents and those who dream of becoming President have all made a practice of being photographed with prominent African-American performers and artists. Below, a sampling, from President Harry Truman meeting with Duke Ellington in 1950 to President-Elect Trump with Kanye West in 2016.

President Richard M. Nixon stands on stage before an estimated 8,000 of his supporters at a youth rally in Marine Stadium in Miami Beach, Florida, on August 22, 1972, after the Republican National Convention nominated him for re-election. With him are Pam Powell, head of Young Voters for the President, and Sammy Davis, Jr., the rally master of ceremonies. (AP)