The Best Process Porn Videos of 2017

No matter how many we find, there’s no way to tire us of the #ProcessPorn genre—with their ASMR-like soundtracks, soothing visuals and satisfying results, a great process video is the mind's equivalent to a warm cup of tea. Indulge in our favorites published on our Instagram from this past year, gathered from the accounts of many amazing makers.

One of the most popular by far was this spoon carving clip courtesy of Lucus Craft

And this one with sound? The purest harmony my ears are likely to hear (from Red Rose Productions).

This video from Carrara Robotics made marble weighing thousands of pounds look like a hot slab of butter.

Prior to this video below from Cafe Leaks, I had no idea the process of silicone color mixing was quite as magical as this. 

The best part of this metal inlay video is watching the work that leads up to the grand, ultra-satisfying finale—the once-over of maker JKinlay’s orbital sander.

When ceramic artist Hugh Hope uses the process of wax-resist during the glazing process, it also makes for a mesmerizing visual effect that’s especially Instagram worthy.

This specialized planting machine equipped with a magazine of seedlings is a testament to the ways in which design betters our everyday lives…plus it’s freaking cool to watch (filmed by Rose Creek Farms). 

Kofaktorlab’s video demonstrating how this double curvature pattern can help you make plywood ultra pliable isn’t only satisfying, it’s also easily replicable!

With this video by Q on Youtube, you have to stay until the fiery grand finale.

As designers, we may be well familiar with the plywood making process, but that doesn’t mean an explainer video isn’t any less gratifying. 

This glassmaking video from Luke Jacomb is so delicious you might just want to eat whatever it is they’re making (but seriously, don’t put your tongue on hot glass. That’s dumb). 

Though extrusion is often the main method for putting treads on your tires, this year we were also delighted to discover this tire carving machine that cuts through rubber in an ultra smooth way.

If you weren’t doing so this year, go ahead and follow our Instagram and wait for the neverending supply of satisfying #processporn to come your way.


More of the best of 2017:

2017 Best of Furniture Design

Our Favorite Transportation Stories from 2017

2017 Best of Transforming Furniture

The Best of Footwear Design in 2017

2017 Best of Workshop Furniture and Hacks

2017 Best of Hand Tools
